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目前分類:系統安裝 (30)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

One of the changes introduced in Ubuntu Wily Werewolf is persistent stateless names. It means your network interfaces in ifconfig output will no longer follow the ethX pattern. This solves major problems with predictability of an interface name on Ubuntu if you have multiple cards. This applies to ethernet, WLAN and WWAN interfaces.

This originally started off due to Dell devices and SLES has defaulted to the nomenclature earlier. It’s nice to see Ubuntu adopting the same too. Both udev and systemd are involved in this change.

The udev naming convention follows different schemes:

  1. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided index numbers for on-board devices (example: eno1)
  2. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided PCI Express hotplug slot index numbers (example: ens1)
  3. Names incorporating physical/geographical location of the connector of the hardware (example: enp2s0)
  4. Names incorporating the interfaces’s MAC address (example: enx78e7d1ea46da)
  5. Classic, unpredictable kernel-native ethX naming (example: eth0) – depreciated

systemd naming convention will use the same convention from above in the below order:

  1. if that information from the firmware is applicable and available
  2. if that information from the firmware is applicable and available
  3. if applicable
  4. in all other cases
  5. is not used by default, but is available if the user chooses so

It’s unlikely this will bother you. However, if you want to fallback to the older nomenclature, you need to make some changes in udev:


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We just changed our Subversion repository's url from something terrible with custom port number hideousness to a URL so clean, concise and georgeous that I became brain damaged. The old URL still works but I wanted to repoint all my checked out code to the new URL. I tried switch and it didn't work until Bret mentioned that Eclipse had something called relocate for this issue. A google search later...

command line:

svn switch --relocate  <from URL> <to URL> 

Tortoise SVN:


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sudo apt-get install python-software-properties -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nova-core/release
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-release/2011.2 sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:glance-core/trunk
sudo apt-get update

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sudo add-apt-repository

command not found.

where is add-apt-repository ??

Please try using "apt-get install --reinstall python-software-properties && sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-software-properties"


Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

CentOS5.4的php版本默认为5.1.6,然后在5.2.9版本之前的的php都存在一个漏洞,但是目前网上很多地方都无法使用yum update php*升级到5.3,经过搜索国外资料,现在终于找到一种升级CentOS的php到5.3的方法。

wget http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-3.noarc…

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在 CentOS 忘了Root密碼,該怎麼辦呢??



3.接著會出現"grub append> ro root=LABEL=/ "請改成:

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Dome times I have to deal with XPS files (XPS is a Microsoft's rival to Adobe's PDF format, technically a zipped XAML (XML)). Can I view them in Ubuntu? Or, maybe, I could even produce them?

Okular, the KDE pdf viewer, supports XPS. The package name is okular I'm not aware of any GNOME/GTK+ viewers that support XPS, though according to this evince bug in upstream GNOME support has been added. It's not working for me in Maverick....

Frank comment : sudo aptitude install Okular

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1. apt-get install scim scim-pinyin scim-chewing scim-tables-zh scim-qtimm im-switch

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This is mostly for my own future reference, but if you need to verify an MD5 checksum on a Mac, you need to do this:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type openssl md5 [filename]

Change 'md5' to 'sha1' if you want to verify the SHA-1 hash as well.

I downloaded Windows Vista RC1 last night and so I needed to verify the MD5 hash before burning it to DVD-R. Apparently it does work with Boot Camp now (the betas didn't) so I'll be sticking it on my MacBook this afternoon, just as soon as I've bought a DVD-R. I didn't opt for a SuperDrive on my MacBook so it can't burn DVDs, but I've been at my parents' this weekend and their computer does have a DVD-RW drive.

And though this will undoubtedly come as no surprise to most of you, but verifying an MD5 hash on a 2.52 GB file takes a long time.

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Updated Mar 13 2009 to reflect improvements in Ubuntu 8.04 and later.

Linux has excellent software-based RAID built into the kernel. Unfortunately information on configuring and maintaining it is sparse. Back in 2003, O’Reilly published Managing RAID on Linux. That book is still mostly up-to-date, but finding clear instructions on the web for setting up RAID has become a chore.

Here is how to install Ubuntu Server with software RAID 1 (disk mirroring). This guide has been tested on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron). I strongly recommend using Ubuntu Hardy or later if you want to boot from RAID1.

Software RAID vs. hardware RAID

Some system administrators still sneer at the idea of software RAID. Years ago CPUs didn’t have the speed to manage both a busy server and RAID activities. That’s not true any more, especially when all you want to do is mirror a drive with RAID1. Linux software RAID is ideal for mirroring, and due to kernel disk caching and buffering it can actually be faster than RAID1 on lower end RAID controllers. However, for larger requirements like RAID 5, the CPU can still get bogged down with software RAID.

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RAID 5 With LVM on Ubuntu
Server Training - Server Management

RAID 5 provides the best of both worlds in software RAID, speed and redundancy.  You will need at least 3 separate drive partitions on 3 separate drives in order to create RAID 5.  This tutorial also will show you how to install Logical Volume Management on the RAID 5 array.  

You will need to create RAID aware partitions on your drives before you can create RAID and you will need to install mdadm on Ubuntu.  For a tutorial on that CLICK HERE.

You may have to create the RAID device first by indicating the RAID device with the block major and minor numbers.   Be sure to increment the "2" number by one each time you create an additional RAID device.

# mknod /dev/md2 b 9 3

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現在的 IDE 硬碟越來越便宜,也越來越容易損壞,所以市面上出了一堆 IDE RAID 卡,但我發現在 Debian 上面都非常難裝,為了晚上能安心睡覺,還是弄弄 kernel 內建的 md 吧。但我的系統已經安裝了 Debian,是否有辦法把現有系統升級成 md 呢?

答案是有的,這邊就跟各位分享我升級成 raid 1 的經驗。

升級過程的步驟請繼續看下去 :p

1. 加入一顆相當大小的新硬碟到系統,並建立 raid partations type=fd

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以Apache2的環境為例,並且已經啟用Apache2 的 rewrite 模組也開啓了。

只要編寫在該網站目錄中的 .htaccess 即可,範例如下:

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最近的工作, 在驗證產品對 IPv6 的支援 ,為了安裝 IPv6 Logo 的測試環境, 需要在 FreeBSD 下安裝 Perl 及其 Module . 陸續的轉貼如下 或其它已經張貼的文章 ,方便自己日後查閱使用 ,也將讓善心人士過去所編寫的文件 ,得以持續流傳 .其版權皆屬原註作者所有.

Perl modules may be installed using the CPAN module or from source.

CPAN method

perl -MCPAN -e shell (to get an interactive CPAN shell)
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Time::JulianDay' (if you know the name of the module, you can install it directly without interacting with the CPAN shell)

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On multiple occasions I have had to modify a broken file on a Fedora system that was preventing me from booting. More recently this has been the /etc/fstab file. If any lines in that file have issues, Fedora will stop booting and throw you into a recovery console. Unfortunately, that console has the root partition mounted read only, so good luck fixing that file :)

To remedy this, I have been using the Ubuntu Live CD. The issue with this approach, though, is that the Ubuntu install on the CD does not have support for the LVM logical volumes that Fedora sets up as a standard part of its install. Here are the steps to utilize the Ubuntu Live CD to modify files on a Fedora LVM logical volume:

  1. Boot the system from the Ubuntu Live CD.
  2. Open a terminal and install LVM support with: sudo apt-get install lvm2
  3. Then run the following commands:
    sudo modprobe dm-mod

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Here’s how to create a Windows XP, bootable, USB key. This is very useful especially persons using Netbook or in the case that your PC is not equipped with a DVD/CD player.

Creating your bootable USB key:

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Since version 0.9, Trac supports both  SQLite and  PostgreSQL database backends. Preliminary support for  MySQL was added in 0.10. The default is to use SQLite, which is probably sufficient for most projects. The database file is then stored in the environment directory, and can easily be backed up together with the rest of the environment.

SQLite Connection String

The connection string for an SQLite database is:


where db/trac.db is the path to the database file within the Trac environment.

PostgreSQL Connection String

If you want to use PostgreSQL or MySQL instead, you'll have to use a different connection string. For example, to connect to a PostgreSQL database on the same machine called trac, that allows access to the user johndoe with the password letmein, use:

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下面這篇文章將與大家分享, 如何讓妳的 PHP 支援 Oracle . (for Linux) ,有興趣的朋友請自行參考,歡迎交流討論,謝謝.
PS. 如果你沒有在用 pear 或 pecl 套件, 則可以直接參考紅字以下的部份, 採用手動的方式安裝環境.
If you want to connect to an Oracle database with PHP, you can use Oracle's Instant Client and the oci8 module from pear.

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因為突然說要把某些資料寫到 Oracle database, 偏偏 Red Hat 9 的那台舊 Server 不支援 Oracle, 又正好 Glibc 是 2.3.2 版, 新版本的 Oracle Instant Client 10.2 以上版本都只支援 Glibc 2.3.3 以上版本, 因此, 就算成功 ReBuild PHP, 也是沒法使用, 只得下載 Oracle Instant Client 10.1 版本, 才有向下相容, 下面轉貼的這篇文章, 分享如何安裝 Oracle Client 包含 Oci8 的PHP5套件, 有需要的朋友請參考, 這個也搞了一個晚上, 多少有點經驗 ,若有遇上問題, 歡迎留言, 若你的問題我正好也遇到, 那我會回覆於板上的,謝謝大家.

Oracle ODBC Driver Unix Getting Started Guide

This guide shows you how to download, install and license the Oracle ODBC driver.

At the end, you will be able to access your Oracle databases (version 8.1.7 or above) from Unix systems using isql, an interactive SQL tool installed with unixODBC, the open source Driver Manager that is included in the ODBC driver distribution.

The process will take approximately 10–15 minutes, excluding software download time.

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Installing mod_dav_svn by Gregg Pollack (gregg at patchedsoftware dot com) 

1. Install mod_dav_svn
    sudo yum install mod_dav_svn

2. Add the LoadModule lines to your httpd:

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