When you use ClickOnce to deploy your application with Visual Studio, a .pfx file is automatically generated by default.

當你透過 ADT 建立 Windows 或 MAC 的原生安裝檔案時, 你會需要 憑證檔案 ,此時, 這篇文章很重要, 請參考以下內容:

When you want to use Authenticode signing, you need:

· A public key (.cer file) which is given by a Certificate Authority (trusted third party)
· A private Key (.pvk file) that you generate and you keep confidential

A Personal Information Exchange (pfx file) contains a public key and a private key. You can use it to hash your files (binary, assembly …) and even signed your manifest file for ClickOnce.

If you want to create your own PFX file with your personal information, you have to complete these two steps:

Create your public & private Keys (You will be prompt to define the private key’s password):
makecert.exe -sv MyKey.pvk -n "CN=.NET Ready!!!" MyKey.cer

Create your PFX file from the public and private key
pvk2pfx.exe -pvk MyKey.pvk -spc MyKey.cer -pfx MyPFX.pfx -po toto

建立憑證 ,你會需要 " 憑證建立工具 (Makecert.exe) " 你可以在 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/bfsktky3(VS.80).aspx 取得詳細的說明文件, 如果你要 " 憑證建立工具 (Makecert.exe) " 則可以在

這裡, 取得完整的 ISO 光碟檔案, 有分 X86, X64 的版本 約 600 MB


這裡, 取得直接安裝的檔案


部份內容參考自 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/maximelamure/archive/2007/01/24/create-your-own-pfx-file-for-clickonce.aspx 



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