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  • 你不能決定生命的長度,但可以控制它的寬度;
  • 你不能左右天氣,但可以改變心情;
  • 你不能改變容顏,但可以展現笑容;
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  • 你不能樣樣勝利,但可以事事盡力。

free counters

目前分類:PHP程式設計 (51)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Remove all the stock php packages

List installed php packages with dpkg -l | grep php| awk '{print $2}' |tr "\n" " " then remove unneeded packages with sudo aptitude purge your_packages_here or if you want to directly remove them all use :

sudo aptitude purge `dpkg -l | grep php| awk '{print $2}' |tr "\n" " "`

Add the PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Install your PHP Version

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5.6

You can install php5.6 modules too for example

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I have an installation of Laravel on Wampserver. The directory is as follows:


Now URLs are like this:



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pChart - 一个可以创建统计图的库。

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I have found hundreds if not thousands of posts on the Internet at large saying that Paypal won’t let customers use credit cards if they don’t have a Paypal account if you’ve integrated your cart using Express Checkout.

OK, that’s a bit of hyperbole. It probably wasn’t hundreds but it was enough that while initially searching for a solution, I took it as gospel that is just wasn’t possible.

Then, when attempting to convert WP Event Ticketing to use Web Payments Standard and hitting some snags, it took me almost an hour to hit upon the correct combination of words while searching Google that led me to this post.

The relevant information is this


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function curtStr($str,$len=30){

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1。标题后面显示:powered by ecshop v2.7.2

2。底部显示:powered by ecshop v2.7.2

按照国际开源协议,未商业授权的开源软件不能应用于商业活动,但是目前国内很多小企业为了降低成本同时兼顾网站美观效果,希望去掉这些开源软件的版 权,大秦数据工程师为大家提供一种方式可以去掉Ecshop V2.7.2的版权,不过我们希望有实力的公司还是购买Ecshop的商业授权。

如何去掉Ecshop V2.7.2头部版权信息:powered by Ecshop V2.72

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Generating PDF’s is an easy method to make a very nice printable and/or savable version of an article. This could be helpful in a WordPress blog or any articles website. This method utilizes the popular FPDF class.

First of all, I suggest you get the latest FPDF version from here. I suggest creating a directory such as “pdf” on your web hosting space. You will need to place the fpdf.php into that directory, you will only need it.

Let’s make our first “Hello World” example. Place the following in a file called test.php:


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Mail::factory() – creates a mailer instance


require_once 'Mail.php';

object &factory ( string $backend , array $params = array() )

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Generating print-ready well-formatted PDF documents with PHP is not an easy task. Traditionally, there are two main approaches to PDF generation with PHP. Given sufficient time and patience, both partially get the job done, but still leave a lot to be desired:

HTML-to-PDF: This approach is widely used in mainstream applications. Here an HTML document is programmatically created and converted to a PDF, using one of the many open source libraries. Since HTML, however, is not a page-oriented format (as is PDF), it is impossible to perform a 1-to-1 mapping between HTML and PDF. Typical word processing file format features, such as header and footers, orphans and widows or even page numbers can simply not be represented in HTML.

Programmatic: This approach offers total control of the resulting PDF. However, it requires that the x and y coordinates of every line of text, every geometrical shape and graphic be set from program code. Not only is this an extremely time-consuming solution, but is also very brittle: Every time a graphical designer changes the layout of a document, a programmer must re-work his or her program code.

A completely new approach

In this article, the author presents an entirely new, third approach. It relies on templates being created in a WYSIWYG environment, such as Microsoft® Word or Open Office, and then being populated with data in PHP. The resulting document can be saved not only to PDF, but also DOCX, DOC and RTF.

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The goal of the LiveDocx Zend Framework component phpLiveDocx is to make the interaction with the backend SOAP service LiveDocx as simple and as native to PHP as possible. phpLiveDocx embodies the KISS principle of the Zend Framework.

Technically, however, it is possible to instantiate and interact with the SOAP service directly from PHP. PHP 5 ships with the excellent SoapClient, which offers almost all the functionality that is required.

Checking for the SOAP extension

Although the SOAP extension is available on most PHP 5 installations, it is possible to disable it. To ensure you have the SOAP extension installed and enabled, take a look at the output of echo phpinfo();. If you see the following section, you are good to go.

PHP 5 Soap extension

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This article offers a second approach to using LiveDocx in PHP without the Zend Framework. This one does not require the PHP 5 SOAP extension, but does require the SOAP library NuSOAP.

The majority of the code on this page was contributed by Mats Andersson. He took the original code and ported it to work with NuSOAP. A big thank you goes out for his work!

Download and install NuSOAP

Visit the NuSOAP homepage and download the current version of NuSOAP. For the purpose of this article, we are using v0.7.3. Your mileage may vary for other versions. Then, set the include path (see line, containing set_include_path()) to the path in which NuSOAP is installed.

Download templates

Once you have the libraries in place, download the following template files. They are used by the sample applications:

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Question :

I am written some jQuery ajax code where I am sending a request to the server when a drop down option is changed. Based on this change 4 or 5 text fields change their data and bunch of new images get loaded. everything feels nifty.

But I was wondering if there was a plugin provided by jquery that would make the page dark...show 'loading' or spinner for a quick second until request comes back from the server? I remember seeing one around but am not able to find it.


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Recently I had a development client which as part of a larger system had a requirement of creating a PDF based report from his clients metrics, KPI’s etc. which he could then forward onto them. It was simple numerical data but for presentation purposes it was needed in PDF… you know to look good.

In the past when budget was less of an issue I used PDFLib, a commercial library which these days is available as part of the core PHP package. This project however required me to look for a free alternative. I found TCPDF on Sourceforge. It had almost 80,000 downloads, good documentation, lots of examples and was being used by applications such as Joomla, Drupal, Moodle and phpMyAdmin so I said I’d give it a go.

Installation was easy, basically I just needed to copy the TCPDF folder to my www space and require() the main class file from PHP scripts that needed to create PDFs on the fly.

I have to say I found it quite a slow & tedious process to create the more complex dynamic PDFs with this library, however this is because of what I was trying to do in the overall sense and was not the libraries ‘fault’, after all creating PDFs dynamically is quite different than creating webpages dynamically. I found having to work out all the ‘maths’ for positioning elements and the fact you can’t just press refresh to see if your latest line or two outputted as intended the most frustrating.  

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There has been a lot of talk about Zend Framework 2.0 in the past few weeks. One of the major new features is the consistent use of namespaces through out the framework. This requires that all components be re-written to take advantage of this PHP 5.3 feature.

Although the release of Zend Framework 2.0 is a long way off — currently there is no official release plan — contributors are encouraged to port their components as soon as possible.

Therefore, I am delighted to announce that you can download a version of \Zend\Service\LiveDocx, complete with the latest development version of Zend Framework 2.0 from my account at GitHub.

In particular, take a look at the shipped demo applications, in the directory /demos/Zend/Service/LiveDocx. They illustrate how to use all parts of the framework and offer a good introduction to the usage of namespaces in PHP 5.3, if this topic is new to you.

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Since the initial release of phpLiveDocx last week, one of the most common questions that I keep receiving via e-mail is:

How can I convert DOC to PDF in PHP?

Although it was not the original intention of phpLiveDocx to offer such file format conversion, it is very possible. In this post, I would like to present a little class, which does exactly that.

In a future version of phpLiveDocx, there will be an additional component called Tis_Service_LiveDocx_Convert, which will offer a more efficient method of document conversion. When this version is released, it will make redundant the code in this post, but until then, here is a really easy way to convert DOC to PDF in PHP.

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http頭狀態信息及php header設置詳述

// ok
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');

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学习BPEL,有个有名的开源引擎ActiveBEPL(http://www.active-endpoints.com),于是进入这个站点搜索些资料。在浏览中发现网页上有很多这种字符“ActiveBPEL™”,这个TM的样式非常的怪,是怎么实现的呢?我用firebug查看了下它的代码,也仅仅是“TM”两个字符。我又用IE Inspector查看了,是“? ”。这就更怪了,竟然不一样。后来又在一页的title上发现了这些字符,于是查看了下源代码。“ActiveBPEL&trade;”&trade;是什么,google一下。呵呵,原来是HTML的一个特殊字符而已。写了这么多年的HTML,竟然不知道,惭愧啊!

想表达的意图 处理方式
(回车换行) <br>
 (空格符) &nbsp;
&(AND符号) &amp;
<(左尖括号、小于号) &lt;
>(右尖括号、大于号) &gt;
°(度) &deg;
´ &acute;
" &quot;
Ø &Oslash;
¥(RMB) &yen;

想表达的意图 处理方式
λ &lambda;
μ &mu;
ν &nu;
ξ &xi;
ν &nu;
ξ &xi;
¥ &yen;
¹(一次方符号) &sup1;
²(平方符号) &sup2;
³(立方符号) &sup3;
nr(上标情形) n<sup>r</sup>
Ci(下标情形) C<sub>i</sub>
加粗 <b>加粗</b>
斜体 <i>斜体</i>
下划线 <u>下划线</u>
±(加减符号) &plusmn;
×(乘法符号) &times;
÷(除法符号) &divide;
©(版权所有) &copy;
®(注册商标) &reg;
™(商标符号) &trade;

全文轉貼自 http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/73798/showart_1084792.html 

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請參考 wikipedia 之 UTF8 說明 ,網址 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/UTF8


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若不是透過 yum 或 aptitude 安裝的 PHP 執行環境 ,而是透過 PHP Source 自行組態 configure 然後 make, make install 所編成的 PHP 執行環境, 則在讓 PHP支援 mb_string 時 , PHP 4 v.s PHP 5 在執行 configure 的參數有差異, 請參考以下內容 (取自PHP官方網站)

mbstring is a non-default extension. This means it is not enabled by default. You must explicitly enable the module with the configure option. See the Install section for details.

The following configure options are related to the mbstring module.


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