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  • 你不能決定生命的長度,但可以控制它的寬度;
  • 你不能左右天氣,但可以改變心情;
  • 你不能改變容顏,但可以展現笑容;
  • 你不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己;
  • 你不能預知明天,但可以利用今天;
  • 你不能樣樣勝利,但可以事事盡力。

free counters


I have an select box:

<select id="selectBox"> 
<option value="0">Number 0</option> 
<option value="1">Number 1</option> 
<option value="2">Number 2</option> 
<option value="3">Number 3</option> 
<option value="4">Number 4</option> 
<option value="5">Number 5</option> 
<option value="6">Number 6</option> 
<option value="7">Number 7</option> 

I'd like to set one of the options as "selected" based on it's selected index.

For example, if I am trying to set "Number 3", I'm trying this:

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

很久沒出門了~八月底正好忙完手上的專案 ,覺得是該出去走走了 .於是隨機挑選 宜蘭太平山 為主要的白天景點 ,行程規劃 大概是 早上七點新竹出發, 從楊梅上66號東西向快速公路 接國道三號 接 國道五號 進入雪山遂道 ,抵達宜蘭羅東 .

預先沒吃早餐, 所以早餐兼中餐就直接在 宜蘭羅東鎮 知名的 林場肉羹 解決 ,每次來宜蘭都必吃 ,這次也許是太早抵達 (一路很順 ,除了國道五號接雪隧的路上有小碰狀意外導致塞車外 ,一路都還算順暢 ^_^) ,約九點多 ,並沒有之前的熱絡人潮 ,


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Recently I had a development client which as part of a larger system had a requirement of creating a PDF based report from his clients metrics, KPI’s etc. which he could then forward onto them. It was simple numerical data but for presentation purposes it was needed in PDF… you know to look good.

In the past when budget was less of an issue I used PDFLib, a commercial library which these days is available as part of the core PHP package. This project however required me to look for a free alternative. I found TCPDF on Sourceforge. It had almost 80,000 downloads, good documentation, lots of examples and was being used by applications such as Joomla, Drupal, Moodle and phpMyAdmin so I said I’d give it a go.

Installation was easy, basically I just needed to copy the TCPDF folder to my www space and require() the main class file from PHP scripts that needed to create PDFs on the fly.

I have to say I found it quite a slow & tedious process to create the more complex dynamic PDFs with this library, however this is because of what I was trying to do in the overall sense and was not the libraries ‘fault’, after all creating PDFs dynamically is quite different than creating webpages dynamically. I found having to work out all the ‘maths’ for positioning elements and the fact you can’t just press refresh to see if your latest line or two outputted as intended the most frustrating.  

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Compile all C files with your usual options plus -fPIC. This produces
position-independent code needed by shared object files.

Link the resulting .o files with a command like
   gcc *.o -shared -o file.so [-l<libraries>]

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

正在趕code, 剛好看見非凡新聞播出 統一發票99年07月、99年08月開獎

於是就順手記錄在這裡, 與大家分享. 我想應該是不會錯啦 ^_^


特獎第一組 79721354(全中200萬)

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Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

你覺得iPad是萬能的嗎? 那你就錯了....


Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There has been a lot of talk about Zend Framework 2.0 in the past few weeks. One of the major new features is the consistent use of namespaces through out the framework. This requires that all components be re-written to take advantage of this PHP 5.3 feature.

Although the release of Zend Framework 2.0 is a long way off — currently there is no official release plan — contributors are encouraged to port their components as soon as possible.

Therefore, I am delighted to announce that you can download a version of \Zend\Service\LiveDocx, complete with the latest development version of Zend Framework 2.0 from my account at GitHub.

In particular, take a look at the shipped demo applications, in the directory /demos/Zend/Service/LiveDocx. They illustrate how to use all parts of the framework and offer a good introduction to the usage of namespaces in PHP 5.3, if this topic is new to you.

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Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Since the initial release of phpLiveDocx last week, one of the most common questions that I keep receiving via e-mail is:

How can I convert DOC to PDF in PHP?

Although it was not the original intention of phpLiveDocx to offer such file format conversion, it is very possible. In this post, I would like to present a little class, which does exactly that.

In a future version of phpLiveDocx, there will be an additional component called Tis_Service_LiveDocx_Convert, which will offer a more efficient method of document conversion. When this version is released, it will make redundant the code in this post, but until then, here is a really easy way to convert DOC to PDF in PHP.

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http頭狀態信息及php header設置詳述

// ok
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

讓人由內心感動到掉淚的一部影片 , 有興趣的捧油們就看看吧!!

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