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Updated Mar 13 2009 to reflect improvements in Ubuntu 8.04 and later.

Linux has excellent software-based RAID built into the kernel. Unfortunately information on configuring and maintaining it is sparse. Back in 2003, O’Reilly published Managing RAID on Linux. That book is still mostly up-to-date, but finding clear instructions on the web for setting up RAID has become a chore.

Here is how to install Ubuntu Server with software RAID 1 (disk mirroring). This guide has been tested on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron). I strongly recommend using Ubuntu Hardy or later if you want to boot from RAID1.

Software RAID vs. hardware RAID

Some system administrators still sneer at the idea of software RAID. Years ago CPUs didn’t have the speed to manage both a busy server and RAID activities. That’s not true any more, especially when all you want to do is mirror a drive with RAID1. Linux software RAID is ideal for mirroring, and due to kernel disk caching and buffering it can actually be faster than RAID1 on lower end RAID controllers. However, for larger requirements like RAID 5, the CPU can still get bogged down with software RAID.

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RAID 5 With LVM on Ubuntu
Server Training - Server Management

RAID 5 provides the best of both worlds in software RAID, speed and redundancy.  You will need at least 3 separate drive partitions on 3 separate drives in order to create RAID 5.  This tutorial also will show you how to install Logical Volume Management on the RAID 5 array.  

You will need to create RAID aware partitions on your drives before you can create RAID and you will need to install mdadm on Ubuntu.  For a tutorial on that CLICK HERE.

You may have to create the RAID device first by indicating the RAID device with the block major and minor numbers.   Be sure to increment the "2" number by one each time you create an additional RAID device.

# mknod /dev/md2 b 9 3

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現在的 IDE 硬碟越來越便宜,也越來越容易損壞,所以市面上出了一堆 IDE RAID 卡,但我發現在 Debian 上面都非常難裝,為了晚上能安心睡覺,還是弄弄 kernel 內建的 md 吧。但我的系統已經安裝了 Debian,是否有辦法把現有系統升級成 md 呢?

答案是有的,這邊就跟各位分享我升級成 raid 1 的經驗。

升級過程的步驟請繼續看下去 :p

1. 加入一顆相當大小的新硬碟到系統,並建立 raid partations type=fd

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Mail::factory() – creates a mailer instance


require_once 'Mail.php';

object &factory ( string $backend , array $params = array() )

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以Apache2的環境為例,並且已經啟用Apache2 的 rewrite 模組也開啓了。

只要編寫在該網站目錄中的 .htaccess 即可,範例如下:

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jQuery 是一个非常强大的JS类库,现在越用觉得越好用了。

主要讲下怎么动态添加option  动态选择option,假如我们的select 控件的 id 属性为 sel
jquery 清空option         $("#sel").empty();

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利用 package 來安裝軟體套件,您有選單模式或是命令列模式的選擇。兩者間的不同點如下所述︰
選單模式需要取得軟體庫的索引檔,而這個檔案通常是有點容量的,所以如果您的網際連線頻寬不足時,將會有點時間性的浪費,但是它有個好處,就是會依據您所選取的 package,來自行加選額外所需的套件,也就是不用擔心套件相依性的問題。
您可以透過 /stand/sysinstall 指令來進入選單模式。


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Generating print-ready well-formatted PDF documents with PHP is not an easy task. Traditionally, there are two main approaches to PDF generation with PHP. Given sufficient time and patience, both partially get the job done, but still leave a lot to be desired:

HTML-to-PDF: This approach is widely used in mainstream applications. Here an HTML document is programmatically created and converted to a PDF, using one of the many open source libraries. Since HTML, however, is not a page-oriented format (as is PDF), it is impossible to perform a 1-to-1 mapping between HTML and PDF. Typical word processing file format features, such as header and footers, orphans and widows or even page numbers can simply not be represented in HTML.

Programmatic: This approach offers total control of the resulting PDF. However, it requires that the x and y coordinates of every line of text, every geometrical shape and graphic be set from program code. Not only is this an extremely time-consuming solution, but is also very brittle: Every time a graphical designer changes the layout of a document, a programmer must re-work his or her program code.

A completely new approach

In this article, the author presents an entirely new, third approach. It relies on templates being created in a WYSIWYG environment, such as Microsoft® Word or Open Office, and then being populated with data in PHP. The resulting document can be saved not only to PDF, but also DOCX, DOC and RTF.

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The goal of the LiveDocx Zend Framework component phpLiveDocx is to make the interaction with the backend SOAP service LiveDocx as simple and as native to PHP as possible. phpLiveDocx embodies the KISS principle of the Zend Framework.

Technically, however, it is possible to instantiate and interact with the SOAP service directly from PHP. PHP 5 ships with the excellent SoapClient, which offers almost all the functionality that is required.

Checking for the SOAP extension

Although the SOAP extension is available on most PHP 5 installations, it is possible to disable it. To ensure you have the SOAP extension installed and enabled, take a look at the output of echo phpinfo();. If you see the following section, you are good to go.

PHP 5 Soap extension

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This article offers a second approach to using LiveDocx in PHP without the Zend Framework. This one does not require the PHP 5 SOAP extension, but does require the SOAP library NuSOAP.

The majority of the code on this page was contributed by Mats Andersson. He took the original code and ported it to work with NuSOAP. A big thank you goes out for his work!

Download and install NuSOAP

Visit the NuSOAP homepage and download the current version of NuSOAP. For the purpose of this article, we are using v0.7.3. Your mileage may vary for other versions. Then, set the include path (see line, containing set_include_path()) to the path in which NuSOAP is installed.

Download templates

Once you have the libraries in place, download the following template files. They are used by the sample applications:

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How To

Download and install FreeNAS
  • Reserve some space on OS partition for later adding packages. (500MB should be enough)

System Configuration

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Google has released the source code for an an Android phone GPS program called My Tracks, which lets people record where they've been, log journeys in Google Docs, and post their trip maps online.
"You can expect My Tracks to become better than ever with the contributions we hope it will receive from other developers, and also that many applications which work side-by-side with My Tracks will be written," Google engineer Rodrigo Damazio said in an e-mail list posting Friday. "For instance, one could easily build an application for tracking fitness activities, geocaching, aviation, and so on."

The move means also means enthusiasts can help with translation and programmers can create spin-offs for which they can charge money if they desire, he added. The software is governed under Google's preferred open-source license, the Apache License 2.0.
My Tracks lets people track their location on a map; the software shows a variety of details including speed, average speed, elevation gain, and distance traveled. Trips can be shown on Google Maps, publicly or privately, and each trip's statistics can be added to a Google Docs spreadsheet.

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由於select 的選項有效參數只有disable,readonly 的參數對select 無作用。

但預設選擇的欄位值(form field value)仍是要傳遞(submit)。

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