首先, 進入終端機模式輸入指令 就安裝完成!
sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-clutter ibus-gtk ibus-gtk3 ibus-qt4
im-config -s ibus
首先, 進入終端機模式輸入指令 就安裝完成!
sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-clutter ibus-gtk ibus-gtk3 ibus-qt4
im-config -s ibus
To configure passive mode for vsftpd you need to set some parameters in vsftpd.conf.
This enables passive mode and restricts it to using the eleven ports for data connections. This is useful as you need to open these ports on your firewall.
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 10090:10100 -j ACCEPT
If after testing this all works then save the state of your firewall with
service iptables save
which will update the /etc/sysconfig/iptables
To do this is CentOS 7 you have to use the new firewalld, not iptables:
在Ubuntu 13.04系统中(其它版本的也大概是),有个管理应用程序图标的文件夹:/usr/share/applications
multicast routing By default IPv6 multicast routing is disabled, so you have to explicitly configure it in rc.conf. Currently there are two IPv6 multicast routing daemons available in package or ports (pim6sd = PIM-SM and pim6dd = PIM-DM), but please keep in mind that they are not installed in FreeBSD-RELEASE by default due to its licensing issue.
-------/etc/rc.conf--------- mroute6d_enable="YES" # Do IPv6 multicast routing. By default it's "NO". mroute6d_program="/usr/local/sbin/pim6sd" # Name of IPv6 multicast routing daemon. # You need to install it from package or port. ---------------------------- [Optional] You can give arguments to IPv6 multicast routing daemon. Normally nothing is required.
-------/etc/rc.conf--------- mroute6d_flags="-d pim" # debugging option for pim6sd ----------------------------
How do I configure IPv6 networking under FreeBSD 7.x server? How do I assign IPv6 IP address using command line utility?
IPv6 (IP next generation) can be easily configured under FreeBSD 7.x or 6.x. You need to know:
I have a FreeBSD machine running on a virtual machine. I am using SUN Virtual Box. I need to set static IP address to this machine. So that I can access this machine. Is there anyway to do this ?
in /etc/rc.conf:
ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"
defaultrouter="" -- the machine IP,
命令形的 wireshark,有同 tcpdump
man tshark
tshark -V
十六進制,ASCII 解析
tshark -x
tshark -i <界面> -w <檔名>
指定界面,保留檔名,指定重覆保留最大檔數量,停止捕包大小(有 -b 就有 -a?)
That said, VirtualBox, which runs on quite a few platforms and is free, does perform rather well and offers many features, which most people aren't aware of: iSCSI support, Teleporting (aka live migration, even cross-platform), Virtio Net support, Ballooning, built-in solid VNC support (better than Xen's!), highly configurable device support (from disk controller types over chipsets and NICs).
Getting it to run on a FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 server (without any GUI) was less complicated than I thought. However, there are some minor things, which can easily be missed in therelevant chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook and the FreeBSD Wiki, and neither of them actually tells you how to start your first VM, which is anything but intuitive. (That can be automated later, though.)
Let me walk you through the required steps from installation to getting your first VM on the way.
Q. Can you example how can I install telnet service or server under Linux or FreeBSD operating system?
A. TELNET (TELetype NETwork) is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network LAN connections.
The telnetd program (telnet server) is a server which supports the DARPA telnet interactive communication protocol. Telnetd is normally invoked by the internet server inetd or xinetd for requests to connect to the telnet port as indicated by the /etc/services file. Usaually telnet listen on port TCP port 23.
Telnet in is insecure protocol and it is recommended that you use ssh server. But some time you really need telnet then first install telnet server as according to version of Linux distribution.
Q. How do I telnet as the root user?
A. This is really a bad idea as telnet is insecure, because passwords are sent as clear text format. Instead, you should use SSH for connections. I suggest that you use SSH to connect to a system instead of Telnet for security purposes. By default, for security purposes, the root user can not telnet. However, here is method in case you need root access via telnet:
Edit /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/remote files using a text editor such as vi. Find the line that read as follows:
auth required pam_securetty.so
Comment it out by prefixing # symbol:
#auth required pam_securetty.so
Save and close the file. Now, you should be able to telnet to your system as the root user.
This assumes that you have grabbed a copy of the ubuntu hardy server
cd from the ubuntu.com website.
1. Install all dependent packages for CPAN
sudo apt-get install build-essential
一直想搞一台git server做個版本控制,趁著今天颱風天,就把git server架在家裡的Synology NAS上吧!
1. 取得 Bootstrap
查表 http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.php/What_kind_of_CPU_does_my_NAS_have 根據你的Synology NAS型號查詢
Small fix if You have an error when You try to turn on startup programs.
for example:
# chkconfig -s ssh on /sbin/insserv: No such file or directory |
Fix is simple, just to add symlink:
比如 所有子目录的文件全部做伪静态
而管理目录不需要~ 把它排除~
RewriteRule ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\.html $1/$2\.php
rsync stands for remote sync.
rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux.
rsync utility is used to synchronize the files and directories from one location to another in an effective way. Backup location could be on local server or on remote server.
$ rsync options source destination
Source and destination could be either local or remote. In case of remote, specify the login name, remote server name and location.
How do I make Vi-Vim never use tabs (converting spaces to tabs, bad!), makes the tab key == 4 spaces, and automatically indent code after curly brace blocks like emacs does?
Also, how do I save these settings so I never have to input them again.
I've seen other questions related to this but it always seems to be a little off from what I want.