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  • 你不能決定生命的長度,但可以控制它的寬度;
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目前分類:Mac使用心得 (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

There are many great tutorials on the web for using a Mac to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC. Unfortunately, you may be unable to follow such tutorials if you do not readily have access to a Mac to perform the preparation necessary for the installation.

Great progress has been made in hacking PCs to run OS X, and it is now possible to install Mac OS X without a Mac. Thanks to some great tools put together by some brilliant hackers, it is also much easier and does not involve nearly as much time and effort as was once required.


Step 1: Getting The Hardware Ready

I recently purchased the following set of hardware for the purposes of building a Hackintosh (often PCs running Mac OS X are referred to as such):

The motherboard has an 8-pin power connector on it, and although it is possible to connect a single 4-pin connector to it, you may encounter odd issues running with just a single 4-pin connector. To ensure that you provide sufficient power to the board, you should purchase the 4-pin to 8-pin power adapter. Alternatively, you could purchase a power supply with 3x 4-pin connectors (1 for the 20+4-pin main connector, and 2 for the 8-pin connection) or an 8-pin connector.

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So you downloaded an .iso or .dmg file, and now you want to burn it to CD or DVD on your Mac. Fear not! No extra software is required.

The delightfully useful Disk Utility built into OS X can burn disk images to optical media in a few easy steps. Read on for how to go about burning your new disc.

Windows users: You should check out the free ISO Recorder for similar functionality.

  1. Launch Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities).
  2. Insert your blank DVD or CD.
  3. Drag and drop your .dmg or .iso file to the left pane in Disk Utility. Now both the blank disk and the .iso/.dmg should be listed.
  4. Select the .iso/.dmg file you want to burn to disc, and click on the Burn button. A dialog box confirming the destination (your blank CD/DVD) will appear, as shown:

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假設, 區域網路裡面有一臺 samba 架設的檔案伺服器, 在使用 Windows 的時候 ,大家都知道 直接在 【開始】- 【執行】輸入指令  【 \\ (你的samba server的IP位址)】 ,那麼, 在 Mac OS 該如何?

很簡單, 只要按下鍵盤 command + k 並且輸入指令 【smb://你的samba server的IP位址】

若該 samba 有限定帳號存取, 則請提示輸入帳號密碼即可.

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過去在 Windows 時, 很習慣使用 Hypersnap DX 去抓畫面, 因為 Windows 預設的 print screen 只能抓取整個螢幕 ,對於需要製作教學文件時 ,不是很方便.換成 Mac OS 後, 可以直接按下鍵盤的功能鍵 command + shift 進行螢幕畫面的截取, 如下內容所述:

按 command + shift + 3 全螢幕抓圖
按 command + shift + 4 抓滑鼠選擇的區域
按 command + shift + space 抓指定的視窗, 類似於 Windows 的 Alt+ Print screen

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最近家裡多了一臺生力軍 一臺 iMac 廠商預先安裝 雙系統方便能夠先行使用 不影響正常工作

雖然還有兩台PC及筆電小黑 x61 但是一整個還是著迷在 iMac 前面, 買的時候 忘了問廠商 怎麼讓作業系統相互切換

仔細研究一下, 確認操作方式 ,除了在 Mac OS 的控制台去設定切換別的作業系統外 就是在Mac 電源啟動的時候 按下鍵盤的 alt(option) 鍵便會出現選單讓你選擇, 否則預設只會載入上次載入的OS

就是這樣 這麼簡單 ,後續有其它Mac使用心得在與大家分享

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