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  • 你不能決定生命的長度,但可以控制它的寬度;
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目前分類:系統安裝 (30)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

First off, you will need to have Apache and MySQL installed. You can download Apache at http://www.apache.org/dist/. For information on installing Apache, see Joey's Apache Guide. Once Apache is set up, you will need MySQL installed and running. You can download the MySQL source from http://www.mysql.com and for information on installing and setting up MySQL, you can read DJG's MySQL Guide.

After that, you need to retrieve the source for the mod_auth_mysql source.

Place the source into your apache tree in the libexec directory. Mine is located at

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

某些情況, 可能會把 時區 變更 ,一般是透過 Linux 的 Setup 去調整時區 ,

除了那個方式以外 ,直接複製

 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei (或其它時區的檔案)

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Subversion, or SVN, is a versioning control system used to maintain current and historical versions of files. I decided to start using SVN because I do development on more than one computer and SVN will allow me to have one central repository with all of my project files. The server I am using is a standard desktop computer running Fedora Core 10.


Install Apache

The first step is to install Apache2 and the WebDAV SVN module. This can be done by running the commands:

# yum install httpd

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

整個 vsftpd 的設定就只有一個,那就是/etc/vsftpd.conf 這個檔
vsftpd 的套件結構:
/etc/vsftpd.conf ─ vsftpd 的主要設定檔
/etc/pam.d/vsftpd 與 /etc/ftpusers ─ 利用 pam 模組來進行身份確認的動作

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在安裝 ubuntu 8.10 server 時,我想中文語系是無意義的,除非想再繼續或是有計劃的安裝 X window 介面。



這個原因在於 /etc/localtime 這個檔案。

修正的原因也很簡單,在 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/ 這個目錄中,有著亞洲地區的相關設定檔,其中也有 Taipei 這個檔案,這就是可正常顯示台灣時區的關鍵。

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Working on a website for my company, I discovered the need for wireless access to my email, stocks and such. Not wanting to pay someone else to give me this information, I decided to develop a wireless site. The information to do this is available on the internet, but it is scattered and hard to come across. I needed the ability to run php scripts, access databases, and other functions that I needed PHP to do for me. This article covers the basics of wml, how to set up your apache server, and php. Covering the basics allows you to set up this environment and then learn the rest on your own.
You will need a little experience with the Apache Web Server, Php and html. As for system requirements, I am using apache 1.3.9, php3, and Red Hat Linux 6.0 for this demonstration. I don't see any problems with setting this up on a windows machine running Apache, and PHP3 or PHP4.
In this article, I am going to walk you through the following areas; intro to wml, setting up apache for wireless appications, and creating your first WML/PHP page. Much of this information has been gathered from across the internet, and some I learned as I tried to put together a working site.
Intro to WML

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

因為準備檢定考試 或者 當好人幫人維修電腦 而臨時需要DOS或者WIN98~甚至其它不同版本的作業系統開機片而不知道該去哪裡下載嘛?

那麼你就一定要到 Bootdisk.com 網站看看 ,這個網站蒐集各式不同版本作業系統的開機磁片 ,還有磁碟映像檔案的工具 ,讓您可以直接下載開機磁片檔案後 ,直接產生開機磁片喔!!



 除了 bootdisk.com 以外 ,Svrops.com網站也是不錯的選擇 (網址 http://www.svrops.com/ )

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

About Apache ASP
Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing of dynamic web applications with session management and embedded Perl code. There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally part of the ASP API! 


For those wanting to install ASP, this is not the greatest thing, if you are looking for a full fledged ASP solution on linux check out Chilisoft ASP, I do not guarantee this will work on your box, this tutorial is fairly basic, however expects most people know a little bit about linux.

Frank 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

因為接案工作的需要以 JAVA 編寫一個 JSP 網站 ,為了方便程式開發及日後測試 ,
所以必須架設適當的開發環境 ,於是 本篇文章為 JAVA 開發環境在 Fedora linux 8 的架設過程筆記 ,供參考 ,歡迎討論 ,謝謝

1. 下載 JDK 6 Update 6 

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Microsoft 微軟公司在 2008年4月14日正式發行 Windows XP SP3版本 ,並且將在 2008年04月29日正式透過 Microsoft Windows Update 提供用戶免費的下載更新 ,若過去一直使用 Windows Update 功能的 Windows 用戶 ,應該早就已經完成線上更新的動作. 

當然 ,如果還沒完成更新 ,或者根本不知道去哪裡下載,則請可以從下面這個網址開啟 Windows XP SP3下載頁面 ,以手動升級安裝.

Windows XP SP3 更新安裝檔案下載連結 --> 

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