PHP has mail() function to send an email to users. However this mail() will not work:
=> If sendmail (or compatible binary) is not installed
=> If Apache Web server / Lighttpd running in chrooted jail
=> And your smtp server needs an authentication before sending an email
=> Or you just need to send email using PHP PEAR
In all these cases you need to use PHP PEAR's Mail:: interface. It defines the interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy, and provides supporting functions which are useful in multiple mailer backends. In this tip you will learn about how to send an e-mail directly to client smtp server in real time.
PHP Pear's Mail.php is located in /usr/share/pear/ directory. Following is sample code to send an email via authenticated smtp server.
PHP send email using PHP SMTP mail Pear functions - Sample source code
Following code is well commented, you need to make necessary changes as per your setup.
<?php include("Mail.php"); /* mail setup recipients, subject etc */ $recipients = ""; $headers["From"] = ""; $headers["To"] = ""; $headers["Subject"] = "User feedback"; $mailmsg = "Hello, This is a test."; /* SMTP server name, port, user/passwd */ $smtpinfo["host"] = ""; $smtpinfo["port"] = "25"; $smtpinfo["auth"] = true; $smtpinfo["username"] = "smtpusername"; $smtpinfo["password"] = "smtpPassword"; /* Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method */ $mail_object =& Mail::factory("smtp", $smtpinfo); /* Ok send mail */ $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $mailmsg); ?>
Sending smtp email from chrooted Apache or Lighttpd webserver
Read following section, if you are running a secure chrooted Apache or Lighttpd web server. I have already written about setting php mail() function in chrooted jail. If you are using chrooted jail server setup, copy all files from /usr/share/pear directory to /chroot-directory/usr/share/pear directory. For example if lighttpd chrooted jail located in /webroot directory, you need to type following commands to install PHP pear support:# mkdir -p /webroot/usr/share/pear
# cd /webroot/usr/share/pear
# cp -avr /usr/share/pear .
If PHP SAFE MODE is on, you must set /webroot/usr/share/pear directory permission to webserver username to allow access. Otherwise you will see error as follows:
1-Nov-2006 09:43:19] PHP Warning: main(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 506 is not allowed to access /usr/share/pear/PEAR.php owned by uid 0 in /usr/share/pear/Mail.php on line 636.
So if webserver username is lighttpd or apache use following command to setup correct ownership:
# chown lighttpd:lighttpd /webroot/usr/share/pear -R
# chown apache:apache /webroot/usr/share/pear -R
You may also find modified wordpress WP-ContactForm plugin useful. It is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post. Original authored by Ryan Duff, which use php mail() function to send email. I have modified the same to send email via my ISP authenticated gateway using PHP PEAR's Mail:: interface :D
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