下面這篇文章將與大家分享, 如何讓妳的 PHP 支援 Oracle . (for Linux) ,有興趣的朋友請自行參考,歡迎交流討論,謝謝.
PS. 如果你沒有在用 pear 或 pecl 套件, 則可以直接參考紅字以下的部份, 採用手動的方式安裝環境.
If you want to connect to an Oracle database with PHP, you can use Oracle's Instant Client and the oci8 module from pear.

Download the Basic and the SDK packages from http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/oci/instantclient/instantclient.html . At the time of this writing, the filenames are instantclient-basic-linux32- and instantclient-sdk-linux32-

Unzip these files in a new directory, e.g. /opt/oracle/instantclient.

mkdir -p /opt/oracle/instantclient
cd /opt/oracle/instantclient
unzip instantclient-basic-linux32-
unzip instantclient-sdk-linux32-
echo /opt/oracle/instantclient >> /etc/ld.so.conf
The previous two lines are supposed to create symlinks named libclntsh.so and libocci.so which we will need later. In my case these symlinks were not created by ldconfig, so I created them manually.

ln -s libclntsh.so.10.1 libclntsh.so
ln -s libocci.so.10.1 libocci.so
In the next step we will download the oci8 module with pear. Pear is in the php-pear package.

apt-get install php-pear
"Normally" we should be able to just use pear install oci8 now, but apparently pear is not able to figure out where the instantclient libraries are. So we will just download the oci8 module and build it on our own.

mkdir -p /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src
pear download oci8
tar xzf oci8-1.1.1.tgz
cd oci8-1.1.1
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient
make install
The oci8-1.1.1.tgz filename will of course change for newer releases.
To enable the oci8 module in the php.ini (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini), add a line
(put this line after the examples starting with ;extension).

Now stop and start Apache. You should see the oci8 module in the output of phpinfo().


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