Since version 0.9, Trac supports both SQLite and PostgreSQL database backends. Preliminary support for MySQL was added in 0.10. The default is to use SQLite, which is probably sufficient for most projects. The database file is then stored in the environment directory, and can easily be backed up together with the rest of the environment.
SQLite Connection String
The connection string for an SQLite database is:
where db/trac.db is the path to the database file within the Trac environment.
PostgreSQL Connection String
If you want to use PostgreSQL or MySQL instead, you'll have to use a different connection string. For example, to connect to a PostgreSQL database on the same machine called trac, that allows access to the user johndoe with the password letmein, use:
Note that due to the way the above string is parsed, the "/" and "@" characters cannot be part of the password.
If PostgreSQL is running on a non-standard port (for example 9342), use:
On UNIX, you might want to select a UNIX socket for the transport, either the default socket as defined by the PGHOST environment variable:
or a specific one:
Note that with PostgreSQL you will have to create the database before running trac-admin initenv.
See the PostgreSQL documentation for detailed instructions on how to administer PostgreSQL. Generally, the following is sufficient to create a database user named tracuser, and a database named trac.
createuser -U postgres -E -P tracuser
createdb -U postgres -O tracuser -E UTF8 trac
When running createuser you will be prompted for the password for the user 'tracuser'. This new user will not be a superuser, will not be allowed to create other databases and will not be allowed to create other roles. These privileges are not needed to run a trac instance. If no password is desired for the user, simply remove the -P and -E options from the createuser command. Also note that the database should be created as UTF8. LATIN1 encoding causes errors trac's use of unicode in trac. SQL_ASCII also seems to work.
Under some default configurations (debian) one will have run the createuser and createdb scripts as the postgres user. For example:
sudo su - postgres -c 'createuser -U postgres -S -D -R -E -P tracuser'
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb -U postgres -O tracuser -E UTF8 trac'
Trac uses the public schema by default but you can specify a different schema in the connection string:
MySQL Connection String
If you want to use MySQL instead, you'll have to use a different connection string. For example, to connect to a MySQL database on the same machine called trac, that allows access to the user johndoe with the password letmein, the mysql connection string is: